Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Protest Against The War

[Representing Vermont!]

On Friday evening, January the 27th, a big bus full of UVM’ers left the -20 degrees Celsius Burlington, to arrive 10 hours later in the 15 degrees Celsius climate of Washington DC!

[Music, dancing & ideology]

The rally at the Mall (the big green at the Capitol) was blessed with a bright blue sky and the warm shining sun above, allowing people to play the drum and dance in shirts, bare feet or even topless (hey, there were loads of hippies coming straight from the 70s by time machine!). There were loads of funny and creative banners, but sadly also very sexist-oriented.

After Jane Fonda, Sean Penn and some others finished their speech, the march that I was looking forward to finally started. It was impressive to actually be part of a protest in Washington DC at the Capitol, but dull at the same time. Unlike protests I’ve experienced, this demonstration was not provoking at all, because we didn’t confront other non-protesting citizens. Circling around the governmental center that was closed anyway wasn’t really challenging except for the handful of pro-war supporters standing along the line. It was a national protest though, so it might have been more aggressive in other major cities.

[The pro's]

[What is the Israelian flag good for?]

['The hippies']

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Put, jij bent goed bezig daaroh! Echt TOP! Ik heb er geen andere woorden voor;-)