Monday, June 11, 2007


The full train to Sacramento, California, compelled us to bound eastward, taking the same route from St. Paul, Minnesota, passing by the same Glacier National Park up in Montana, this time astonishing cold, fully white covered and lightly snowing, to arrive two days later in Chicago, Illinois. It was the dulliest yet most exciting daytrip since it was my second visit to Chicago, unplanned, and no host available to have us. After storing our luggage in the locker we firstly randomly picked the Ritz Carlton Hotel, to nervously visit the Spa & Sauna, and having the lady behind the counter surprisingly welcoming us to enter as if we were actual hotel guests, so we could finally enjoy a refreshing hot shower. We left the place thankfully, full adrenalin, and in big laughter.

[The Ritz Carlton Spa facilities]

The next highlight was to finally arrive at our holy White Castle, three years after having seen the Harold & Kumar-movie. Walking twenty thousand blocks was rewarded with dozens of White Castle mini-burgers, stilling our cravings.

[White Castle!!!]

Luckily, the Saturday night crowd, all with their private rental Hummer limos, accompanied us wondering through the night. It started raining when we arrived at Union Station, but since that was closed until 5am, we had to wait, half asleep sitting on a ramp, slightly protected from the wind and drizzle.

[Downtown pollution]

[From Hancock Tower]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAH! that first picture! What is that big ugly hunk of metal behind you? geez i couldnt imagine driving in one of those things! haha, i love seeing all these pictures! keep 'em coming!

