Monday, June 11, 2007


[Our Couchsurf hosts]

Denver looked pretty on the map, but we knew nothing about the place and that left us speechless on 16th Mall Street, seemingly the main and only shopping street in the city, but wonderfully provided with free wifi. When checking our email, literally in the middle of the street, we found a couchsurf host who was willing to have us. Two hours later we got picked up by Lauren and her boyfriend Mark, who live in a neat appartment complex outside the city center, with a third roommate Dave.

[16th Street with free wifi]

During their coincidentally two days off, the couple took us to amazing places. The high altitude of Denver is not very notable, but it did cause me ill-making side effects, and by reaching the almost 4000m high Pikes Peak, in the 1,5 hours away Colorado Springs ski resort, it didn’t get any better. I experienced a hitherto unknown pain and a strike of lightness in my head, but luckily didn’t faint. Still it was a breathtaking experience to drive up the curvy paved and dusty road, through the clouds, passing avalanches and beautiful rocks on the snowy summit.

[Pikes Peak]

In the national park of the Garden of the Gods the vast red rocks were familiar to us from the ususal themed attraction parks, therefore it was hard for us to grasp that the actual rocks were not fake at all.

[Garden of the Gods]


[That's the summit of 4000 meter!]

[Lauren's complex]


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


so beautiful! great pictures, it looks like so much fun! those mountains, they're a tad bigger than the ones we've got over here in VT huh? haha. you rock my socks and birkenstocks all at once!

much love,
